Aşağıdaki Kudüs hakkında iki bilgilendirici yazıyı İngilizce'ye çevirmem için ablam mesaj olarak gönderdi. Kendisinin gruplarda paylaşacağını ve benim de böyle buhranlı bir dönemde mümkün olduğunca çok mecrada paylaşmamın evlâ olacağını belirtti.
Önemine istinaden burada paylaşmayı da uygun görüyorum.
Mukaddes Kudüs ve Filistin'in (içler acısı) durumu hakkında bilinmesi gereken önemli ayrıntılar...
İstirham ediyorum.
- Here is where Saint Mary was devoted to God just when she was a baby.
- Here is where Prophet Zakariyah(Zachariah) and Prophet Yahya were evanged by Holy Revelation.
- Here is the land part which appeared first after Noah's Flood.
- Here is where Prophet Jesus spoke even when he was a baby in a cradle.
- Here is where was conquered by Prophet David(alayhi salaam).
- Here is where was tidied/shaped up by Prophet Solomon(AS).
- Here is where Prophet Jesus was ascended to the sky among the clouds when he was attempted to crucify by his tribe.
- Here is where Prophet Muhammad(SWT) was ascended up at Lailat al Miraj
- Here is where was lectured that it was a holy destination with Surah Isra into Quran.
- - - So conclusionally; Quds is the existence, collectify and the rise of the civilizations - - -
"In 1974 a ship arrived next to Palestine's seaport.
There were Jews into it, who were saved from Hitler's genocide.
Onto ship's pier, "Germans destroyed our families. You too, dont destroy our hopes." was written.
After 74 years, those saved Jews' children left away Palestinians landless and hopeless.
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