Is Whole Christianity To Fill Hell(!?)

Hi friends,

First of all, i'd like to say that as you know, my language skills are not enough well to compromise my mind exactly. I am sorry for that. But i wish it gonna get better soon.

The other affair is about a gossip which have been seeking accent to accent: Religional acceptenances and shifting by deens' mattering or not.

Before everything else, you should make sure that, as being a muslim, i will tell the truthes right here and never use a tactic of liars!

Then you should know; shifting deen is matter(noooo stop please. Not such a thing that you got in your minds :-| ..)

İslam is perfect and any of considering ones couldnt find any fail or conflict in it. Our holy Quran evidences this immortal reality about its being the right direction to rotate and being saved by God. But the same book never insists people on believing itself and take a rapid action. Always it leaves people who reading it to their own decision.

The other reality about Christianity's being one of the Holy religions(They are three; Jewish, Chrisy and Islam). Sure that they three has come from the Holy Right Source. But Jewish and Chrisy had been ruined. In several points and some pages, they (two) had been changed.

God acknowledges this reality in Quran: Being said that; the two of threes are ruined.  But Holy Quran will be protected& saved forever. So those all reflect Islam is perfect of all.


On the other hand, especially Bible of Chrisy is more close to the purity than Torah. I have put some evidences about it accross my blog at different times.

"Whether Chrisy and Jewism would have a fine eternity or not" is still being discussed by deen proof. But I dont have enough literacy to polarise it. So i am talkin on referencin my base Islamic and intelectual backlogs.

I try to embolden this:

Especially Chrisy may be fine accross the Holy Council if it was lived by the correct issues and honestly.


So i'd like to tie those all i've written one current point: Are Radical Suspects really boss enough to be accused of deen propaganda? I have lined 2 important sides just before:

1. Christianity may be confirmed if it had lived by the right issues. Also i got to add this: Holy Quran orders Chrisy& Jewish people to recognise Islam due to other two had been ruined. Just there are some correct verses which are truthen into Quran - like Prophet's names, their experiences etc (are truthen themselves)... But most of T&B's are damaged is a fact.

2. Islam never orders muslims to boss on their T&B guests to get muslim. Instead of bossing, Quran orders muslim to offer getting muslim as introducing this perfect religion. One other detail; Islam verses the reality of every human being will weight their own lifes, either kindnesses and vices in the akhirah life. It is an unpreferable fact that there would be an akhirah life soon. So whether people wish it or not they will face akhirah life after diying.


So i tried to phrase; just that neither Islam is a crimery& violent nor muslims announcers are bosses who commanding an obligation.

But either Islam orders muslim to be kind& emphasizing for other religes and Social Movers are much addicted to sustain their undeniable pretty friendships.


I just tried to lighten a suspecting current affair that rounding up these days.

Mine was just an explanation which already contains some evidences and their sources. But it is up to my readers to impeach my article or not. You are our shareholder either way and we would just never grow a hate deep inside if not you accept our opinions.

Best wishes, Dear Friends..

Yours, Ruk.


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